1791V 再創佳績,勇奪國際獎項!
剛結束的 Mecha Mayhem 2025 Signature Event,1791V 不僅榮獲 Judge Award,還在 Skills Challenge 取得驚人成績:
🔥 Skills 排名:第 10 名 / 147 隊
🌍 世界排名:第 93 名 / 5941 隊
✨ 突破隊伍歷史最高 Skills 分數!🎊

這趟征戰加拿大的旅程充滿挑戰。從寒假開始,1791V 便進入高強度備戰模式,每日訓練超過 12 小時,甚至有隊員輪流通宵接力,只為將每分每秒發揮到極致。

來到加拿大後,真正的考驗才開始。極端氣候、時差適應、乾燥環境導致的靜電影響,種種突發狀況讓比賽變得更加艱難。但即便如此,1791V 仍然迎難而上,不斷調整機器人,突破技術瓶頸,最終獲得評審肯定,榮獲 Judge Award,成功站上國際頒獎舞台,為台灣爭光!

這場比賽不僅是競技,更是一場全球交流的機會。1791V 與來自世界各地的強隊切磋學習,在家長的引薦下,還有機會深入當地的機器人俱樂部,讓選手們體會到,機器人競賽不僅是技術較勁,更是一座連結世界的橋樑。
這次旅程能有如此豐碩的成果,離不開選手家長、WesternMech Club、移居加拿大的台灣朋友們,以及辛苦付出的教練團隊!感謝大家的支持與鼓勵,讓這次國際賽事更加難忘!
1791V 將持續努力,在全球舞台上發光發熱,讓世界看見台灣! 🌎💪🔥
Another milestone for 1791V on the international stage!
The Mecha Mayhem 2025 Signature Event has just concluded, and 1791V not only won the prestigious Judge Award but also achieved outstanding results in the Skills Challenge:
🔥 Skills Ranking: 10th place / 147 teams
🌍 World Ranking: 93rd place / 5941 teams
✨ New highest Skills score in team history! 🎊
Pushing the Limits, Giving It Our All!
This journey to Canada was no easy feat. Since the winter break, 1791V has been undergoing intense training, practicing for over 12 hours a day, with some team members even pulling all-nighters to maximize every second of preparation.
Once in Canada, the real challenges began—adjusting to the time difference, battling extreme -40°C temperatures, and dealing with static electricity issues caused by the dry climate. These obstacles tested both our endurance and the robot’s performance. Despite the difficulties, we persevered, continuously fine-tuning our robot and strategies. In the end, our efforts paid off as we impressed the judges and proudly took home the Judge Award, standing tall on the international stage and making Taiwan proud!
Global Connections, Expanding Horizons!
Beyond competition, this event provided a valuable opportunity for global exchange. 1791V had the chance to compete against world-class teams and, thanks to introductions from supportive parents, even got to connect with local robotics clubs. This experience reinforced our belief that robotics is more than just a competition—it is a bridge that brings people from different countries together.
Gratitude and Looking Ahead!
This incredible journey would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our team’s parents, WesternMech Club, our Taiwanese friends in Canada, and our dedicated coaches. Thank you all for being part of this unforgettable experience!
1791V will continue to strive for excellence and shine on the global stage, showing the world what Taiwan can do! 🌎💪🔥